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The Friends of the University Park Public Library is pleased to present “The Importance of Being Ernest Hemingway” with Dr. Elliot Engel on Friday, November 17, 2017, at 7pm.  Seating is limited, so get your ticket early! 

Ernest Hemingway is one of the great American novelists of the 20th century, having been awarded both the Pulitzer and the Nobel prizes.  His works include A Farewell to Arms, The Old Man and the Sea, and For Whom the Bell Tolls.  His adventurous spirit, love of the outdoors, and larger-than-life personality are reflected in his writing.  Dr. Engel, with his enthusiastic and engaging style, will bring Hemingway to life.  He will create a fascinating portrait of the writer by exploring his turbulent early life, his writing career, and the tragedy of his final years. 

 Dr. Engel has a Ph.D. from UCLA, where he was a Woodrow Wilson Fellow.  He has written numerous books and plays and created a series for PBS on Charles Dickens.  He has won numerous awards for his work with adult education, and has been inducted into the Royal Society of Arts in England.  

 The event will be held at the University Park Methodist Church at 4024 Caruth Boulevard.  Check-in and refreshments begin at 6:30pm.  Tickets are $35 each, and can be purchased online or mail a check payable to "Friends of the UPPL" with your name, email, and number of guests to:  Friends of the UPPL, 3419 Westminster, Suite 335-G, Dallas, TX 75205. 

 The Friends of the University Park Public Library exist to enhance the mission of The University Park Public Library by raising operating funds, providing volunteers and hosting and sponsoring community programs.  Please join the Friends in supporting your community library!

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