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Neiman Marcus has selected 5 finalists out of hundreds of applicants, including Highland Park's 2008 graduate, Emilee Anne. Emilee Anne recently graduated Parsons School of Design in New York City with a Bachelor's degree in Fashion Design. As a student, Emilee interned with Society Stylist as a New York Fashion Week reporter and as a deisgn intern at Marc Jacobs. She is currently a designer at Marc Jacobs.

Emilee Anne started her blog in 2010 as a way to document her designs, adventures and inspirations. This September Neiman Marcus sent out a request for "Blogger on the Cusp" applicants. On a whim, Emilee entered after a friend forwarded her the contest. 

After being chosen as 1 out of 5 finalists, Emilee Anne and 4 other bloggers were asked to style a $1000 outfit from Neiman Marcus' Cusp boutique. Each blogger submitted portraits of their looks for voters to decide who would take the "Blogger on the Cusp" title. 

Here's how you can help:

To vote for Emilee Anne follow this link: Blogger on the Cusp

To visit Emilee Anne's Blog follow this link: eaemileeanne

To follow Emilee Anne on Twitter click here: @eaemileeanne

Don't forget, you can vote daily! Last day to vote is November 14th.

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