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Between the fine arts and athletic activities, there is a lot going on this fall in the Park Cities, especially at Highland Park High. Don't forget to save these dates so that you don't miss your chance to support your favorite HPISD extracurricular groups.

HPHS Belles Spaghetti Supper and Silent Auction

A bona fide tradition in the Park Cities, the dancin' and kickin' Highland Belles will serve spaghetti dinners from Amore Italian Restaurant to their fans before the Scots play Monterrey Tech in the first home football game of the season. The event, including the silent auction, will be Friday, Sept. 6 from 5-7 p.m. in the HPHS Cafeteria, or you can drive through for your meal(s) from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Tickets for the supper, themed “The IncrediBelles,” are $8, and raffle tickets are extra. You can purchase tickets at the door or from a Belle. It sounds like there will be some pretty neat offerings in the raffle, which you can check out here. For questions, you can contact Amy Orsini at or 214-499-7744.

HP Boys Lacrosse First Annual "Crossed Sticks and Hat Tricks" Dinner

Park Cities lacrosse players will host their first major fundraising event to benefit the more than 50 teams that are part of the Highland Park lacrosse program. The event on Friday, Sept. 13 before the Varsity Scots football game will feature delicious fare from Chick-fil-A. It costs $8 to attend, and you can buy tickets from your favorite lacrosse player or here. You can support HP Boys Lacrosse from 4:30-7:15 p.m. on the 13th and rub elbows with HP lacrosse players while you eat your chicken sandwiches. You won't want to miss this one. Click here for more information.

HPHS Choir Fiesta Dinner and Raffle

To benefit the choral program at the Park Cities high school, Scots singers host an annual Fiesta Dinner. Tickets are $8, and you can enjoy curbside pickup from 4:30-6 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 4 or HPHS Cafeteria dine-in from 5-7 p.m. Raffle tickets are available for purchase. For more information, contact Natalie Walker Waters at or 214-780-4824. 

HPHS Highlander Band "BBQ with the Band" Auction & Blue Out

All Scots fans are invited to the band's annual fundraiser from 4:30-7 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 11, which also happens to be the tenth anniversary of "Blue Out." Peggy Sue BBQ is catering the grub, which you can enjoy "dine-in style" in the HPHS Cafeteria from 5-7 p.m. or "take-out" from 4:30-6:30 p.m. in the teacher's parking lot off Douglas Ave. The event will feature live entertainment and an impressive raffle and silent auction, and all of the funds collected go toward band equipment, uniforms, transportation to away games and more. Click here for more information.

HPHS Cheer/Scotsmen Hamburger Supper

Before this season's exciting Homecoming football game on Friday, Oct 25, the HPHS cheerleaders and Scotsmen will hold their annual Hamburger Supper in the high school cafeteria. Jack's Burger House is providing the cuisine from 5-7 p.m. if you want to eat at HPHS, or the cheerleaders will bring you to-go burgers and fries from 4:30-6 p.m. Plus you'll find entertainment and a raffle with themed baskets (think fashion, technology and sports-lover options) at the event benefiting HPHS Cheer/Scotsmen. Tickets are $8 in advance and $9 day of. To purchase tickets or for more information, contact Jennifer Nash at or 214-762-7912.

Am I missing any other important fundraising events at HPHS this fall? Shoot me an email at or comment below so we can help get the word out!

Angela is an Aggie grad, thrilled to be working for BubbleLife covering the Park Cities, Preston Hollow, Lake Highlands and several other neighborhoods in the area. When she's not writing and reporting for BubbleLife, she contributes to,, drinks lots of coffee, reads, and goes to concerts in Dallas. Angela has worked for CBS alum and legendary newsman Dan Rather, lived and worked in New York City, Austin, and Dallas, all before the age of 22. - Contact Angela at