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Beginning Tuesday, July 9, the Town will perform smoke testing for the following areas only: 3600-3900 blocks of Mockingbird Ln., Potomac Ave. and Normandy Ave., and the 5500 and 5600 blocks of High School Avenue. The "smoke testing" method consists of blowing large volumes of smoke and air through a section of sewer line. Access to these sewer lines are granted by way of opening and entering sanitary sewer manholes and clean outs in streets, alleys, and easements. The smoke follows the path of least resistance to escape the sewer line, which may come from various locations both indoor and outdoor.

The smoke should not enter your home unless you have defective plumbing or dried up drain traps. If you have seldom-used drains, such as unused bathrooms, guest house plumbing or upstairs laundry drains, please pour water in them to fill the trap, which should prevent smoke from entering. Since a building’s sewer plumbing is connected to the Town’s mains, some smoke will come out of your house’s roof vents. It is non-toxic, creates no fire hazard and leaves no visible residue.

Wherever lines are being investigated, the crews from the contractor RJN will be identified with uniforms and badges as well as proper traffic warnings at setup locations. Homeowners do not need to be home and at no time will field crews need access to your home. 

If you have any questions, or need special assistance, please contact David Ferguson, Engineer Assistant, Town of Highland Park, at or by phone at (214) 559-9377

Story courtesy of Sgt. Lance Koppa, Town of Highland Park's Blue Zone News

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