ArtNews – Guest Contributor
Sep 24 2013
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Tutti i Lunedi, Dallas Plein Air painting group Photo courtesy of Jim Rogers Photography. Left to Right, Front Row: Carolyn Cobb, Christy Kidwell, Susan Moss Cooper, Carol Devereaux; Back Row: Barvo Walker, Cecy Turner, Carol Mitchell, Kay Wyne, Lynn Rushton, Jerry Tuhy, Rebecca McClure, Pete Quaid, Ann Rogers

Dallas History Painted will be hosted by Preservation Dallas, a non-profit membership organization dedicated to the preservation and revitalization of Dallas historic buildings, neighborhoods and places. A percentage of all sales will be donated to Preservation Dallas.

Thursday, November 14, 2013
5 - 8 p.m.

Preservation Dallas
2922 Swiss Avenue
Dallas, Texas 75204

Tutti I Lunedi is a group of professional artists who meet every Monday to paint historic landmarks of Dallas en plein aire. Our mission is to respond to architectural and historically significant locations in Dallas through art.  

Each of the Founding Members have researched and chosen locations with national or state historical significance.

For more information, please contact Susan Moss Cooper at or 214-327-6648, or visit