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Connecting Point of Park Cities announces Ann and Robby Higginbottom as the Honorary Chairs for its Connect!2022 event.  Ann and Robby are Dallas natives and both graduates of Highland Park High School. They are active members of the community through Park Cities Presbyterian Church where Robby serves as a pastor. Ann is the Executive Director of Kershaw’s Challenge, a nonprofit that seeks to serve vulnerable and at-risk youth around the globe. The Higginbottom’s have two young boys, Will and John, who will both attend Hyer Elementary in the fall. Ann and Robby love raising their boys in their hometown, close to family and a community they have known their whole lives.  

We are honored to stand by our friends at Connecting Point Park Cities. It has been a joy to witness the organization grow and flourish since the beginning. CPPC celebrates the uniqueness of each teammate and gives them skills and opportunities to thrive and be happy, contributing members of our community. Our community is blessed by the involvement of these awesome friends at CPPC — what a special place!

- Ann and Robby Higginbottom

 “We are delighted and honored that Ann and Robby will join us for Connect!2022 as our honorary chairs,” said Cynthia Olson, CPPC Executive Director.  “We will also be commemorating Chris Murzin - who died tragically last February - for his determination in bettering the life of his son Jack and the lives of others like him with disabilities.  Tommy Stewart, Mayor of University Park, will posthumously honor Chris with the Ryan Albers Award, which we bestow each year to a community member devoted to advocating for people with disabilities.”

 Thanks to the generosity of Harwood International, Connect! will once again take place at the Gardens of Marie Gabrielle at 2728 N. Harwood Street, Dallas on April 28th from 6 to 8 p.m.  Guests will enjoy a casual evening outdoors that will include lawn games, music, raffle, heavy hors d’oeuvres, refreshing cocktails and of course delightful conversations!

 Sponsorships and tickets are available now.  For more information, visit or contact Cynthia K. Olson at (972) 773-9937.  

About Connecting Point of Park Cities

 Founded in 2011 by parents of children aging out of the public school system, CPPC is a unique day program that strives to foster independence and productivity in the lives of people with disabilities.  In 2013 Ann Higginbottom heard of this group’s efforts to launch a quality program and coordinated with her sister and brother-in-law Ellen and Clayton Kershaw to participate in Connecting Point’s first fundraiser. Their involvement was critical in allowing CPPC to open its doors six months later, making the parents’ dream a reality.  Thanks to their ongoing support along with the generosity of all of our community donors, we are able to help our Teammates (participants) grow their skills in communication, activities of daily living, vocation, recreation and socialization.