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Nancy Connor, event chair Dorothea Meltzer, and Women’s Council president Marena Gault.

The Dallas Arboretum was in full fall color for “Treasured Legacies”, the eighth annual A Writer’s Garden Literary Symposium and Luncheon presented by the Women’s Council of the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden. Attendees got an extra bonus because it was also the preview day for the upcoming 12 Days of Christmas exhibit.

The event was chaired by Dorothea Meltzer. Marena Gault is President of the Women’s Council.  

The three noted authors were Greg Grant, a seventh  generation Texan and co-author of Heirloom Gardening of the South, lives in deep East Texas in an old dogtrot house of his great-grandparents and has dedicated his entire lift to gardening, nature and family and has successfully introduced dozens of plants to the Texas nursery industry; Kelsey Mullen is the Director of Public Programming and Education for the Mount and author of The Mount: Edith Wharton’s Home;  Author Kim Wilson, whose new book At Home with Jane Austen was published less than two months ago.   

A private reception was hosted in the home of Katherine and Mike Phillips the evening before for patrons and sponsors to meet the authors.

Proceeds from the event make possible the continued expansion and improvement of A Woman’s Garden.

Photos by Danny Campbell

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