Madison Parry
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Fresh For A Grill After socking and seasoning the raw chicken overnight it is ready to hop onto the grill. The sizzling heat from the grill makes the chicken take less than 10 minutes to cook,

Since the summer has only one month left till school it is good to get your grill on as much as you can. The chicken epecially is known to be one of the healthier meat options out there and only takes a couple minutes for it to cook. 

For an extra kick to your ordinary chicken try marinating with a stronger dressing and let the chicken soak in a plastic bag overnight. Once lunch or dinner rolls around and your craving for your chicken, carefully turn on your grill to medium and place the chicken on the grill. Check every 3-4 minutes depending how high you set your grill on for. Flip the chicken once you notice a golden glaze to it. Then once both sides seem perfect on the ouside do what is called "Butterfly it", meaning take the chicken off the grill and cut right down the middle, but not all the way through just so the pieces are still attaching. Then check for any raw spots such as very light white with a pink glow or deep red/pink. Any sign of rawness needs to be put back on the grill. Put the raw two wings back on the grill and check in another 3-4 minutes depending on how raw the chicken was. 

You really must pay close attention to the pink because if digested can cause medical concerns.

After it looks good on the inisde take it back inside your kitchen and add it to your favorite meal. Chicken is a healthy and great source of protein as the hot days of summer are here.

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