Matthew Cobb – BubbleLife Staff
Apr 2 2012

People can now recycle in five parks throughout the city of University Park.

Recycling containers have been placed in Caruth Park, Coffee Park, Curtis Park, Smith Park and the John Roach Track at Germany Park.

Here are items that can be recycled, according to the City:

  • Aluminum (Aluminum foil and cans.)
  • Corrugated Cardboard Boxes (Please flatten, cut down or fold to a small size.)
  • Glass (Clear and color food and beverage jars and bottles.)
  • Juice Cartons (Drink boxes and milk/juice cartons.)
  • Mixed Paper (Brown paper bags, fast food materials, including wrappers, cups and napkins.)
  • Newspapers (Including fliers, coupons, etc.)
  • Plastics (Water and soft drink bottles.)
  • Steel and Tin Cans

The City is asking everyone who uses the bins to empty all liquids before recycling the materials and place all food and dog waste in trash cans.