Matthew Cobb – BubbleLife Staff
Mar 28 2012
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When you're driving in University Park, make sure to be safe and not run any red lights, especially near Snider Plaza.

The city of University Park is currently installing Red Light Cameras at the intersection of Daniel Avenue and Hillcrest Avenue, and they "will be in service in a few days," according to Steve Mace, the community information officer for the city.

The new cameras are being installed at the intersection because of heavy traffic, substantial pedestrian use and its proximity to SMU, Mace said.

Other Red Light Cameras in the city are located at the intersections of Lovers Lane and Preston Road and Lovers Lane and Dickens Avenue, which were put in service in early 2007 at both locations, Mace said. Currently, there are no plans to install Red Light Cameras at other intersections in the city.