Park Cities BubbleLife -
My New Neighborhood Discovery

Last week, I stumbled across PetBar on Asbury (at Hillcrest across from the old New York Subs).  

It's a self-service dog wash with large stainless steel tubs, shampoo, aprons, brushes and professional dryers for washing and grooming your dog yourself. They also have full service dog washing and grooming services.  

So guess who had their hair done? As soon as I made the discovery, I cruised home, picked up Mac, our hairy Golden Retriever, and dropped him off for the full service grooming option. He had his hair trimmed, a conditioning bath, toenails clipped and an extra "de-shedding" service to have him looking his best for the holidays. They did a fabulous job and I highly recommend them.

I plan to use the self-service option too, as it truly is a beating to wash Mac in the shower. It's worth it not to have him run and shake all over the house when he gets out!  

Visit PetBar's website for more details. 


3406 Asbury 
Dallas, Texas 75205
214 434-1290



Tuesday, 10 November 2015