
This article has been submitted by East Highland Park Residents Group.  The HP Town Council will meet on Tuesday, October 6 at 8am to discuss further consideration on the proposed Centennial Park.  Please share and voice your comments.

A Park For The Next Century In HP

A group of residents in East Highland Park have proposed Centennial Park
, a "pocket park", to the Town of Highland Park at the intersection of Mockingbird Lane (MBL) and Airline. The area in question encompasses 0.2 acres and currently is split in two by the SMU pocket park and SMU's new tennis center. The proposed park would create a continuous green space of over 1 acre and decrease exposure to vehicles for children, residents, and SMU students.

The area is unique in Highland Park as it is bordered by SMU to the North, IH 75 to the East and the Katy Trail to the South. The area is a "perfect storm" of users including moms in strollers, children, residents, cyclists, joggers, SMU students and cut through traffic. "The park is all about safety for our children, residents and neighbors and the name Centennial Park seemed perfect as we look towards preserving our neighborhood for the next 100 years, " stated Chris Westerheide. Added Belen Linton, "When SMU built all of those dorms, we have seen a tremendous increase in pedestrian traffic in the area. It is so dangerous for our children too as well as pedestrians. It is a matter of time before someone is hurt badly."

Traffic data compiled by engineers hired by the Town of HP shows an increase of traffic at north bound Airline and MBL of 62% and an increase of 46% at Airline and Katy Trail from the period 2013 to 2015. Given the proposed development of over 2500 apartments in the immediate area of the Katy Trail and East HP, it is expected that traffic will only increase in the area in the coming years.

Recently, the intersection of MBL and Airline/Bush was blocked off giving residents a trial sample of what it would be like if a park was installed. The traffic data showed a decrease of cars in the East HP area of over 900. "The engineers predicted a traffic Armageddon if Airline was blocked off. The opposite occurred. The neighborhood was safer, quiet with no negative impact to other streets," said Darcy Zarubiak, resident.

Park supporters launched a website in July and have been distributing yard signs. The website ( is averaging 60 visits per day and over 200 yard signs have been delivered. According to Van Arsdale, "based upon our data, over 70% of East HP residents support the proposed park. We have had multiple residents offer to make a financial donation for the cost of the park too. We believe the town would have minimal cost (if any). Clearly, the response has been overwhelming. The park is a great opportunity for the town to plan for the future"

The residents first proposed the idea of the park to Town Council and SMU in July. HP town council will meet on Tuesday, October 6th at 8am to further consider the proposed park. Residents are hopeful that the Town will move to approve the park and work on a timeline for installation in the coming months.

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