
The first of four Planet Shark Speaker Series kicks off with “Robots of the Deep: How Ocean Engineers are Expanding Our Horizons” featuring Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) chief engineer and Polar Sea explorer Dr. Hanumant “Hanu” Singh on Thursday, February 16, at 7 p.m. at the Museum of Nature & Science TI Founders IMAX® Theater. Known for his colorful kid-friendly approach, Dr. Singh will discuss exciting career opportunities in science and engineering and will showcase his research on underwater imaging and robotics which probe the ocean floor using captivating imagery from his expeditions.

Presented in partnership with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), the Museum of Nature & Science’s Planet Shark Speaker Series will delve into the fascinating deep-sea world with internationally renowned oceanography experts to explore topics such as underwater imaging and robotics, “The Shark Lab” in the Bahamas, marine fish and ocean exploration.

The next Planet Shark Speaker Series features notable author and writer Juliet Eilperin in “Demon Fish: Travels Through the Hidden World of Sharks” on Thursday, April 5. Eilperin recently wrote an article in the Washington Post about the first-ever hybrid shark discovered. Other Speaker Series planned for the spring and summer include “Leviathans Three: Tracking the Mysterious Movements of Planet Ocean’s Largest Sharks” with WHOI senior scientist and whale shark researcher Simon Thorrold on Wednesday, May 9; and “The Secrets of the Sea: Exploring Neptune’s Realm” with WHOI director of special projects Dave Gallo on Thursday, July 19. Most recently, Gallo was co-expedition leader on a mapping mission to the RMS Titanic and co-leader of the successful search for the missing aircraft, Air France 447.

Speakers begin at 7 p.m. on the designated dates in the TI Founders IMAX® Theater. Speaker Series ticketholders can enjoy the Planet Shark: Predator or Prey exhibition before and after the event until 9 p.m. Tickets are $15 for non-members and $10 for members and students (must bring student ID). Parking is free. Purchase tickets online or call 214-428-5555 ext. 8.

For more information, please call 214-428-5555 ext. 8 or go to