Park Cities BubbleLife -
Highland Park Soccer Academy Cheers on Dallas Sidekicks

The Highland Park Soccer Academy (H.P.S.A.) was definitely a force to be reckoned with on "Club Night," the "Parade of Teams" event at the Dallas Sidekicks game on Sunday, February 16 at the Allen Event Center. Our small community club was represented by approximately 50 young players and their families: the club with the most teams represented during the "Half-Time Parade on the Field" having approximately 100 players, parents and coaches at hand.

One of the H.P.S.A. coaches, Major League Indoor Soccer All-Star Goalkeeper SAGU, started in goal and the children were thrilled to watch their coach in action, even getting a special shooting session with SAGU after the match. H.P.S.A.'s own and Dallas Sidekicks' great Head Coach Giampaulo Pedroso was also in attendance as this was an unforgettable night for all involved. Team Socials and Club Night events help foster the camaraderie between our families while promoting team chemistry among the players!

Teams are still forming for the spring season! Interested parties should visit for additional details about this great, local club!

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Wednesday, 26 February 2014