
SMU Boulevard Improvements

SMU Boulevard Improvements

Southern Methodist University (“SMU”) has been working in partnership with the City of Dallas and North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) on proposed pedestrian improvements along SMU Boulevard between Central Expressway and Greenville Avenue and a trail extension to the existing and programmed Katy Trail segments.

These improvements will provide district wide benefits that improve pedestrian and bicycle safety and connectivity to the Mockingbird DART Station, existing businesses and new development along with providing additional green space for residents and employees of the area.

The NCTCOG Sustainable Development Grant total project cost is $2,000,000 with $1,600,000 (80%) reimbursable from Regional Transportation Council (RTC) local funds and the remaining $400,000 to be provided by SMU, which may be reimbursed from TOD TIF District funds provided the terms of the development agreement are met and there is TIF increment available. In addition, as part of the City’s 2006 bond program $1,038,300 was approved for streetscape improvements along SMU Boulevard and Twin Sixties Drive.

The scope of the project will include:

(1) Streetscape improvements along SMU Boulevard between Central Expressway and Greenville Avenue. Improvements will include wider sidewalks, pedestrian lighting, and other amenities.

(2) A 12 foot wide concrete trail extension with lighting and landscaping from SMU Boulevard to the intersection of a segment of the Katy Trail near Twin Sixties Drive. A respite park/green space is also contemplated at the intersection of the two trail segments. SMU will be working in partnership with the City’s Public Works and Transportation staff and Prescott Realty Group on project coordination. The construction of public improvements is slated to be publically bid by the City.

Begin Project December 2012
Complete Project December 2013