Please Save The Date and Join Us for the 21st annual Council for Life Celebrating Life Luncheon on Monday, November 14, 2022, at the Hilton Anatole Hotel! God’s infinite faithfulness and blessing continue to amaze us as we commit — for the first time — to funding over $1 million?? to our record 28 beneficiaries who work joyfully to support LIFE!
We are ecstatic to announce that our speaker is actor Jim Caviezel who portrayed Jesus in The Passion of the Christ! Mr. Caviezel both affirms life with his words and lives out his beliefs of cherishing every life.
Since 2001, Council for Life has raised more than $10 million to fund 60 agencies in the Dallas/Fort Worth area doing life-saving work related to the complex issues that surround unplanned pregnancies. These agencies serve the most vulnerable in our community with compassionate care through Pregnancy Resource Centers, Abortion Pill Reversal, Adoption and Foster Care, Maternity Homes, Post-Abortion Support, Parenting and Life Skills Educ?ation, Youth and College Mentoring, Sexual Risk Avoidance and Targeted Media Outreach.
We are thrilled to honor Norma Hunt and Tavia and Clark Hunt as this year’s 2022 Luncheon Honorary Co-Chairs. We are immensely grateful to them for their faithful, generous support of Council for Life and unwavering, bold stand for Life.
Billye Turner and Kelli Karlow — philanthropic leaders in our community dedicated to the cause of Life — are our outstanding Luncheon Co-Chairs.
For more information on Luncheon underwriting opportunities and table sales, contact Luncheon Underwriting Co-Chairs Sandy Ammons at or Mary Louise Binning at