Council for Life
Young Adult Dinner Featuring Abby Johnson



Central Standard Time



El Fenix Downtown
1601 McKinney Ave
Dallas, Texas 75202

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Council for Life is honored to welcome Abby Johnson on February 5, a woman whose powerful testimony has touched hearts around the world.

Once a Planned Parenthood director, Abby believed she was helping women. But everything changed when she witnessed a live ultrasound-guided abortion—a moment that transformed her life forever. Abby left the abortion industry, dedicating herself to advocating for life, healing, and hope.

Abby’s inspiring journey is chronicled in her best-selling book Unplanned and its acclaimed film adaptation. Today, she is the CEO of two pro-life ministries and has helped other abortion workers transition out of the industry. She is also the host of the Politely Rude podcast and a devoted wife and mother of eight.

CFL Young Leaders for Life featuring Abby Johnson

  • Wednesday, February 5 from 6:30-8:30 PM
  • El Fenix Downtown (1601 McKinney Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75202)

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