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Jonathan Stickland, Nick Fuentes, and how the radical fringe became the state GOPOn Sunday, the Texas Tribune reported that the irrepressible and reprehensible alt-right influencer Nick Fuentes was a guest at Pale Horse Strategies, a newly important political consulting firm run by Jonathan Stickland, a former state representative. Stickland, who retired from the Legislature in 2021 with few accomplishments to his name, is more influential today than ever. The political action committee he leads, Defend Texas Liberty PAC, takes money from a cluster of far-right donors, led by Midland oil billionaire and Christian nationalist Tim Dunn, and gives it to politicians they support, among them Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, Attorney General Ken Paxton, and many right-wing lawmakers. For Stickland or his underlings to be hosting Fuentes, a prominent 25-year-old racist and antisemite who has built a substantial…

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