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Who Will Buy Infowars? 

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Who Will Buy Infowars?After years of lawsuits from several of the families of the children murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School, two high-profile defamation trials, and a bankruptcy process that’s stretched for nearly two years, something of a resolution has finally emerged in the saga of Alex Jones and Infowars. As a reminder, Jones was found liable in court for defamation in 2022 because of his repeated, absurd on-air claims that the Sandy Hook parents were actually actors hired by someone—the New World Order or the deep state—as part of a plot to seize Americans’ guns. The result was that two juries, one in Austin and one in Waterbury, Connecticut (about twenty miles northeast of Newtown, where the Sandy Hook shooting occurred), ordered him to pay damages totaling…

The post Who Will Buy Infowars?  appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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Tuesday, 11 June 2024