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A Field of Bluebonnets, San Antonio, 1921Jared Brinkley had never been more anxious on a plane. Not typically a nervous flier, the California video game production manager stowed his valuable cargo as he prepared for takeoff on a recent flight from Seattle to Dallas. Wrapped in a cocoon of foam, cardboard, and packing tape and tucked into the first-class cabin coat closet was a hundred-year-old painting that could be worth six figures.“I carried it around the airport terrified,” Brinkley, 49, said. “The whole trip was stressful.”The artwork, an original Julian Onderdonk oil painting from 1921 titled A Field of Bluebonnets, San Antonio, is representative of the work of the Texas impressionist, who is beloved for his pastoral scenes that showcase the iconic indigo flowers.“If you’ve ever seen a painting of bluebonnets in…

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