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State Fair Foods, RankedThe Big Tex Choice Awards at the State Fair of Texas are a celebration of several things: gluttony, culinary ingenuity, the deep fryer, and the sentiment (best expressed by Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park) that when you’re so busy thinking about whether you can do something, you often forget to ask if you should. This year’s semifinalists are an example of all four, with 36 items—19 savory and 17 sweet—stretching the human capacity to conceive of (and digest!) increasingly improbable foodstuffs. While we await the state fair’s opening in September, we’ve gone through the list to identify the items from each category that we expect might have an impact on our self-esteem, our enthusiasm for innovation, and—indeed—our very will to live. Let’s get into it! SavoryThe Butchers…

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