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Heat is a constant in Texas. But now is worse than everName any given year in the last four-plus decades and I can probably tell you a story or a stat about the Texas heat. How about 1980, the year I was born? A persistent heat wave engulfed South Texas that summer. Unfortunately for my parents, they’d recently moved from Corpus Christi into a hundred-year-old farmhouse—sans air conditioning—outside of Yorktown, near Victoria. My poor mom would mellow in the bathtub for hours on end, the only respite she could find. I was born that September, still one of the hottest on record for that area.Fast forward to 1998, an El Niño year. I was in high school and working for my dad as he launched a new career as a roofer—during a historic heat wave. We’d migrated…

The post Fahrenheit 105: Why I No Longer Love the Texas Heat appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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