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Can Ultimate Go Big in Texas?There are just over two minutes left in the first half of the game when Dallas players start flinging a series of quick, short passes down the field from their own ten-yard line. Pass, stop, look. Pass, stop, look.Connor DeLuna pauses at midfield, surveys for open players, then makes a long pass downfield to Griffin Miller, who catches it at the twenty. He pivots his body and cuts it across to Joseph Welkener, who glides through the air and slides across the turf on his belly to score.Welkener jogs off the field, low-fiving teammates along the way. Once he reaches the bench, he looks up toward the stands and grins. His wife is holding a homemade sign. The camera cuts away as he jumps onto…

The post Texas’s Pro Ultimate Teams Try to Break Through With Hometown Charm appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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