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The Museum of the Big Bend Gets a Gorgeous $11 Million ExpansionMitre Peak cuts a striking figure against the West Texas sky, its angular summit piercing the desert mountain landscape between Alpine and Fort Davis. Nearly a century ago, the landmark captured the imagination of San Antonio artist Julius Woeltz, who painted a large canvas of Mitre Peak looming above a colorful foreground of boulders, oak trees, and a glimmer of water.Woeltz’s seven-by-five-foot work, created in the early 1930s, gives viewers an intimate look at the peak, as if they were approaching on foot and stopped to rest along a shady stream. For a broader perspective, however, you can step out onto the sunny porch of the painting’s home—the Museum of the Big Bend in Alpine—and see Mitre Peak itself about ten miles to the northwest,…

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