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Texas Monthly's Guide to ERCOT Conservation FatigueOn Wednesday—as on Tuesday, Monday, Sunday, Saturday, Friday, Thursday, and the Wednesday before it—the Electric Reliability Council of Texas urged Texans to conserve power. ERCOT, as it’s known when uttering curses, warned that demand could outstrip supply and requested that you—yes, you, the person reading this, three months into the most interminable Texas summer in living memory—should do your part by raising your thermostat a few degrees, forgoing the load of laundry in your dryer, and would it kill you to turn off a few lights? Were our leaders sweating it out alongside us? Who knows. Texans did not see, say, a TikTok video of workers at the ERCOT offices or the Governor’s Mansion cheerfully doing their part by turning the thermostats in those buildings to…

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