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On Monday, big-hatted agriculture commissioner Sid Miller posted a furious text he presumably received from state representative Glenn Rogers goading him to engage in a good old-fashioned duel. A duel! Like Alexander Hamilton or Wyatt Earp. His grievance? Miller’s endorsement of Rogers’s primary challenger, as part of Miller’s “RINO hunt” campaign to retaliate against lawmakers who voted to impeach beleaguered attorney general Ken Paxton. The RINO hunt has begun!Join me in taking back the Texas GOP from the double dealers, the backstabbers, the liberals, and the teachers' union shills!DONATE today to help me beat the RINOs in 2024— Sid Miller (@MillerForTexas) December 20, 2023 “You are a bought and paid for, pathetic narcissist. If you had any honor, you would challenge me, or any…
The post Could Two Texas Politicians Really “Duel”? Texas Law Says Yes. appeared first on Texas Monthly.
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