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What the Lege hasn't done on gun reformYou’ve probably heard of the shooting in Allen this weekend—nine dead, seven injured. You may have heard some of the more terrible details. Three members of a family of four Korean Americans were killed during a routine shopping trip, leaving alive only a six-year-old. The Mendoza sisters, in second and fourth grade, were killed too. The shooter was a neo-Nazi with an AR-15-style rifle among eight weapons he had legally purchased. He could have killed many more people had a police officer not been nearby on an unrelated call. We got “lucky,” in other words.This has become a pretty ordinary event in Texas, which is unconscionable. I read the news all the time, but truthfully, I have a hard time remembering these shootings after a…

The post The Texas Lege Has Met for 121 Days This Year. There’ve Been 19 Mass Shootings in the State. appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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