
Get in-depth coverage of news, reviews and conversations about Texas barbecue. It's basically Christmas every day for barbecue-lovers.

Vanilla Roast Duck With Pecan Cornbread DressingThere are plenty of small joys we can share with one another this holiday season—it just so happens that many of them will, at some point, pass through the door of your oven. ’Tis truly the season for splashy cocktails, comforting sides, and decadent main dishes for all to enjoy.Just as we did for Thanksgiving, we’ve combed through Texas Monthly’s recipe archive for some of our favorite holiday staples, just in time for Christmas. Whether you’re short a side dish, in need of a festive cocktail option (or two), or looking for the perfect sweet to top off your meal, we’ve got a recipe in mind. Cocktails and StartersThe World’s Easiest Winter CocktailNothing can sell me faster on a recipe than the word “easiest.” Because this…

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