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Adeeb Barqawi, president and CEO of ProUnitas, at Yellowstone Schools, in Houston, on October 20, 2023.A professor once told me a parable about chess. “After we play, where do the king and the pawn end up?” he asked. And I was like, “Well, they both end up in the box.” And he said, “That’s exactly right. We’re all heading there. So maybe what truly matters is what mark you leave on the world.” I was set on going to medical school, but he introduced me to something called life design. You stop asking yourself what you want to become and instead ask what problem makes you curious. What problem do you want to solve? I was drawn to systems. I’m curious about solving root causes of problems. I signed up for Teach For America, a nonprofit that recruits and trains recent…

The post Lots of Help Is Available for At-Risk Students, but Few Know How to Get It  appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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