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Giving-Back-Volunteering-coaching-2The most prized piece of art in my house is a pencil-on-paper drawing of an oblong soccer ball underneath the message “BEST COCH EVER.” The artist is one of the seven-year-olds I’ve coached as a volunteer with the public youth-soccer league in Georgetown, where I live, thirty miles north of Austin. Thank-you notes from other kids I’ve “coched” cover my fridge door. It’s one of the first things I see every morning and something I take special note of after a hard day. There are purchased works of art on my walls I’d leave behind in a fire if it meant saving the kids’ small tokens of gratitude. But really, I am at least as grateful. That’s exactly what volunteering feels like. You receive more than what…

The post If Nothing Else, Coach appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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