
Get in-depth coverage of news, reviews and conversations about Texas barbecue. It's basically Christmas every day for barbecue-lovers.

Best-Texas-Wagyu-Steaks-The-Woodlands-Tris-Wagyu-LobsterLast month we brought you a list of the thirteen best burgers made from Texas-raised Wagyu. Next month we’ll feature top Texas Wagyu dishes from barbecue joints, but now is the time to get fancy and honor the restaurants that give Texas Wagyu the white-tablecloth treatment.Wagyu ranches in Texas are small operations that generally control their cattle from birth all the way to the restaurant. Unlike commodity businesses that feed, harvest, and sell cattle from various ranches as just “beef,” Wagyu producers rely on their names. Most of those brands don’t harvest enough cattle to keep a chain of steakhouses stocked week after week, so finding restaurants that serve beef from a particular producer can be challenging. Think of this list, organized in ascending order…

The post The 12 Best Texas-Raised Wagyu Steaks (and More!) appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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