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Alice Leese Rancher ArtistEvery week, we share dispatches from Texas Country Reporter, the long-running TV show that invites you to hop in and travel along to explore the back roads of Texas. Growing up in rural West Texas, Alice Leese remembers her trips to town with her grandmother, which always included a stop at the Odessa post office, where she was drawn to Tom Lea’s famous Works Progress Administration mural titled “Stampede.”Decades later, in the isolated West Texas sand hills near Kermit, Leese creates oil paintings with the distinct sweeping style, fluid characters, and swirling skies so prevalent in the acclaimed New Deal artistic effort. That is, when she finds time to pick up a brush.Leese is the fourth-generation steward of a massive cattle operation on the YT…

The post She’s a Fourth-Generation Cattle Rancher. She’s Also a Master Painter.  appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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