Park Cities BubbleLife -
Hey, Texas, We Have a Bobsled Team!

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Bobsleigh pilot Elana Meyers Taylor and Sylvia Hoffman of the USA on the ice track.Texans competing in winter sports? Given the past two years of weather in the state, the notion’s neither as funny nor as far-fetched as it might be.But even if Texas doesn’t produce Winter Olympians at the same rate it pumps out sprinters and swimmers for the Summer Games, the state has always had its share of cold-weather athletes, especially over the past two decades. Often, these competitors have migrated from other sports, but that’s true of most Olympians who hail from states that lack mountains or reliable amounts of snowfall. Many a speed skater has been made on wheels and pavement before razoring icy ovals, and most figure skaters don’t start out on frozen ponds.This year, the state even has a genuine Winter Olympics éminence…

The post Hey, Texas, We Have a Bobsled Team! appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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Friday, 18 February 2022