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Texans in D.C.If you only watch the NBA playoffs, you might not know much about the San Antonio Spurs, a once-championship-caliber franchise that hasn’t made the tournament in three seasons and that even coach Gregg Popovich says fans shouldn’t bet on this year. And you might have missed the news in the spring when the team’s owners appeared to be considering the idea of a move to Austin. A sports team relocating is not unheard-of, of course. Just look at California, where some of our country’s most storied franchises (the Los Angeles Dodgers, the San Francisco Giants) moved, and where some of the most recently successful teams (the Los Angeles Rams) did too. But most Spurs fans don’t want the team to move to a California city,…

The post A National Law That Would Keep the Spurs in San Antonio, and Other Texan Proposals in Congress appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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