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texanist crystal ballQ: Texas has changed a bunch since Texas Monthly first hit the newsstands in 1973. I’m wondering: What does the Texanist foresee for the fifty years ahead?Curious in CorsicanaA: Texas Monthly‘s fiftieth anniversary issue—of which this column is just one modest part—illustrates in brilliant detail the many transformations that Texas has undergone over the course of the past half century. It has been, for better (margaritas to go) and for worse (RIP Dublin Dr Pepper), a doozy of an evolution. For one thing, there are many more Texans today than there were in 1973. The state’s population has gone from just over 12 million to 30 million. For another thing, back in 1973 some 80 percent of Texans were city dwellers, while 20 percent were country…

The post The Texanist: What Will Texas Look Like Fifty Years From Now? appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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