
Get in-depth coverage of news, reviews and conversations about Texas barbecue. It's basically Christmas every day for barbecue-lovers.

My family and I were a little late in getting our Christmas tree up this year, waiting until this past Sunday. As we hung the ornaments, it became obvious we had collected quite a few with a barbecue theme. For every painted-glass Santa Claus or glittery snowman, we’d unbox a shiny grill or bottle of barbecue sauce. It got me thinking that maybe it was time for dedicated barbecue tree. We had a good start, but I needed a few more ornaments if we were going to fill the branches of even a miniature conifer. I couldn’t help myself going down the rabbit hole, and found plenty of great options. I thought I’d share them in case you wanted to trim your own barbecue tree.A…

The post 19 Barbecue-Themed Ornaments for Trimming Your Christmas Tree appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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