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Brockhampton's final albumIn January, one of hip-hop’s most daring and visionary collectives, Brockhampton, announced that it was calling it quits. After more than a decade of making music, the band’s dissolution felt like a bittersweet yet inevitable denouement. Bittersweet because the self-proclaimed “all-American boy band” from San Marcos recently appeared to have reached a creative apex—its sixth studio album, 2021’s Roadrunner: New Light, New Machine, stood out as its most mature, focused record to date. But for a group as large and convoluted as Brockhampton, fragmentation is unavoidable—its more than a dozen members are black and white, queer and straight, singers and rappers, producers and audio engineers, graphic designers and webmasters. Look at the collective’s two most obvious predecessors, Wu-Tang Clan and Odd Future, both of which…

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