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Bad news for George P. BushOne of the things that surprised me while reporting this year on a story about George P. Bush was the phenomenon of pro-P., anti-Bush voters. These were Republican grassroots folks who said they didn’t care for the Bush dynasty but were willing to put that aside because they liked P. Bush, son of Jeb and nephew of George W. They were willing to overlook P.’s cringeworthy and failed campaign to make Donald Trump love him back. One gentleman I talked to in Round Rock put it this way: “I don’t love dynasties. And frankly, I don’t think the legacy is a great legacy. Little Bush was a f—up,” referring to George W. “The idiot in Florida is still an idiot,” he said of Jeb. But…

The post Bad News for George P.—Lots of Texas Republicans Just Don’t Like Bushes appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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