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Art or Blasphemy? Whatever Your Take, Book Wheels Get Bibliophiles Talking

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Jon Whitfill Book WheelsJon Whitfill’s solo gallery show wasn’t off to a great start. It was 2006, and the Lubbock-based artist had just graduated with an MFA from Texas Tech University. He was exhibiting his book wheels—kaleidoscopes of colorful spines and pages—and had dressed for the occasion. A couple walked in, and the husband, not knowing the artist was standing nearby, turned to his wife and said, “Just some asshole destroying books.” They walked out before Whitfill had a chance to explain.“It was awful,” he says. “Just moments before, I’d been thinking how proud I was, and they were literally the first people that came in. It put a fog over the rest of the show.”Still, he says he understands why the gallerygoer was miffed. Whitfill, an avid…

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Tuesday, 31 May 2022