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Glenn Powell as Hangman in Top Gun: MaverickWhy do we go to the movies? This has become an increasingly existential question in recent years, as theaters, threatened by epidemics of contagion and convenience, have struggled with dwindling sales and diminished cultural relevance. When Top Gun: Maverick debuted to around $160 million this past weekend, it wasn’t just celebrated for breaking Memorial Day records, or (incredibly) as the first $100 million–plus opening in Tom Cruise’s blockbuster-laden career. The sequel has been hailed as nothing less than an industry savior, capable of reversing the movie theater’s pandemic-induced slide in a way that no Marvel sequel nor vaguely menacing Vin Diesel PSA had been able to accomplish. The plot of Top Gun: Maverick grapples with encroaching obsolescence, in such a way that it barely counts as…

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