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Mike Krzyzewski was 33 years old and finishing his first season at Duke in 1981 when a youngster fresh out of Texas Tech landed a coaching gig at tiny Clarendon College in the Texas Panhandle. Mark Adams was 24.“I thought I was the next John Wooden,” Adams said last week. He paused, then delivered the punch line: “And I was the only one in the room that thought that.”Forty-one years later, these two men, Mike Krzyzewski of Duke and Mark Adams, now of Texas Tech, will face off in the Sweet Sixteen on Thursday night in San Francisco. Both are among the most respected leaders in college basketball, and both are coaching teams at the top of the sport—but the routes they’ve taken to this…

The post Mark Adams, the Anti–Coach K, Has a Chance to Retire the Duke Legend appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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