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Ted Cruz Watch

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Ted Cruz WatchThe political history of Texas is one of colorful, headline-grabbing politicians. From Sam Houston to Lyndon Johnson to Ann Richards to Ron Paul, the characters who’ve occupied high office in this state are famous—and infamous—for their big personalities and the often unusual ways they have of saying and doing things. Junior senator Ted Cruz is no exception. So we’ve created the Ted Cruz Watch, to help readers track the senator’s latest doings and his whereabouts—be they in D.C., Texas, or, say, Cancun. June 23, 2022: The Senator Speculates on Merrick Garland’s Response to Dobbs OpinionApril 21, 2022: The Senator Speaks His Disney Slash-Fiction FantasiesApril 5, 2022: Ted Cruz Slams Due Process for Political PointsMarch 28, 2022: Revisiting Cruz’s Role in Trying to Overturn the ElectionMarch…

The post Ted Cruz Watch appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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Thursday, 23 June 2022