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How to dress for triple digit heatThe bright side of summer in Texas is that we don’t have to look up the weather to know what to wear. We know each new day from June to September will be another scorcher, and last year’s inferno, the second-hottest Texas summer on record, is still emblazoned in our memories. Sky-high temperatures loom around every corner, and it’s not just your imagination that the humidity is rising. You might prefer to look like naked Oppenheimer at home all summer, but sometimes it’s necessary to leave the house in clothes. Shorts and tank tops are popular go-tos, but considering long-sleeved construction workers or the robes and turbans worn by many desert-dwelling folks, what exactly is the best type of clothing to wear in high temps? Is…

The post How to Dress When It’s Really Freaking Hot Out appeared first on Texas Monthly.

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