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Parish Robotics took first place in the FIRST Tech Challenge qualifying tournament at UT Dallas and advance to the regional tourney. Parish’s underclass team finished second for the Think Award, which recognizes the engineering process.

Dave Cribbs, Parish's FIRST robotics coordinator said Team  6635 "designed its robot to allow for a double-hang during end-game" and the bot executed "the hang" to win the final round.

Watch the double-hang


Team 5598 (Underclassmen)

  • Danny Keszler
  • Victor Dusa
  • Kiyah Willis
  • Jake Vickers
  • Dylan Reilly

Team 6635 (Upperclassmen)

  • Connor Maloney
  • Talha Wahid
  • Lance Bock
  • Greg Imhoff
  • Corbin Campitelli
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