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As part of their study unit this month on holidays and celebrations, Parish 2nd grade students had the opportunity to work with Executive Chef Chad Houser on a traditional Hanukkah dish. Students worked with Houser in the Fleeger Family Educational Kitchen making Potato Latkes, and enjoyed learning about many culinary skills from the Dallas chef.

From peeling potatoes and learning about the starches, to working the food processor and learning about binding ingredients, all students received hands-on instruction and were given the opportunity to work next to Chef Houser.

Houser was Executive Chef of Parigi Restaurant in Dallas for 16 years before deciding to devote his full attention to Café Momentum as Executive Director. Café Momentum is a Dallas-based restaurant and culinary training facility, whose mission is to transform young lives by equipping the Dallas community’s most at-risk youth with life skills, education and employment opportunities to help them achieve their full potential.

Recently featured on the Rachel Ray Show, Houser is excited to share his program with the Dallas community and increase awareness and involvement with this project.

Houser has previously been named the 2011 Edible Dallas/Fort Worth “Local Hero – Chef” award, and has received multiple nominations from D Magazine for “Best Up-And-Coming Chef” (2010) and “Best Chef” (2011 and 2012).

Parish looks forward to welcoming Chef Houser back to campus later this school year, and developing other ways the School and its students can partner with him and Cafe Momentum.

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