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Parish Episcopal School is announcing a new program that prepares students for global competency in the modern world. Through ParishAbroad, students now have the opportunity to travel with faculty to several locations and collaborate and learn alongside each other. The School has formed critical partnerships with established programs to offer challenging travel experiences that support its purpose and the School's strategic vision. These programs break the barrier between the classroom and the "real world" by challenging students beyond our classroom walls.

Open to students in 9th-12th grades, ParishAbroad will offer three unique and distinctive travel opportunities: A Cultural and Linguistic Immersion trip (beginning in 2015), a Global Leadership Program in partnership with World Leadership School (beginning in 2015), and a Spring Break European cultural trip (beginning in 2016).

Through this exciting educational program, Parish seeks to raise the global awareness of students through purposeful travel, preparing them for a life of critical, ethical and global thinking. The School believes the interconnectedness of today's world demands that we develop globally competent students. This development rests on a curricular foundation that incorporates 21st century skills and spans all subject areas, particularly social studies, history, world languages and visual/performing arts.

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