Madison Parry
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I Just Want To Be King When the Anderson Men's Home steps on to the stage you see tigers and crowns everywhere. They start to perform "I Just Want to Be King" from the Lion King and the residents pour their hearts into a never before version of the Lion King where one King is crowned and the celebrates.

National Charity League of Heart of Dallas, (in the Park Cities Area),  mother and daughter teams take down Brookwood. This chapter of NCL drives outside the "Bubble" into Brookshire. In Brookshire a certain Commuity thrives, Brookwood. The only one in the nation Brookwood's mission is to create a purpose and living community for disabled adults. This privately funded Communtiy takes adults from all over the country and now has over 250 citizens and much more on a waitlist citizens in 11 homes of various types.

Here they teach citizens basics; the Brookwood Community focuses on three aspects of life: God, Fitness, Work, and Social. The citzens go to their church every sunday and know the main parts, that God created everything and everyone, and that God loves you. With these basic descriptions of their religion it is not prejudice to one specific religion. For Fitness they citizens have an indoor pool and bike to their community work. They have swim aerobics for one to two hours six days a week. Although they are adults the Brookwood Community feels like they should give importance and meaning to their citzens life. The residents work at various different jobs depending on their personality and sell their merchandise for an average of six million dollars of revenue each year.when you got to Brookwood you may ask them what they are famous for, meaning their most valued characteristic whether their job or other talent, they all have something to bring forth. After they work five times a week they have a special guest or event every weekend. From baseball games to musicals these citizens are known statewide to be the best auidence around. 

The NCL Heart of Dallas comes twice a year to put on a talent show with each house. In an all-day event the mother-daughter teams pick an overall theme for the talent show. On July 12th they collaborated on a Disney themed talent show. NCL then split up into houses were each house  picked a movie and song for the citizens to perfom and puzzles, crafts, and outerwear to enthuse the residents. 

After rehersing their dances and memorizing the songs the residences were ready to perform. Each house was brought to the stage and sang and dance their version for the judge pannel. With all the houses having a blast and celebrating who they are everyone was a winner that night.

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