Jacqui Nickell
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It was the summer of 1984 when Kaye Hauschild first walked into the doors of Lakehill Preparatory School. At the time, Lakehill was in need of a Latin teacher for Middle and Upper School students. When Ms. Hauschild walked out of the building that day as the new Latin teacher, she could not have known then what a vital role she would play in the history of the School and the impact she would have on the students.

Ms. Hauschild has a heart for service and students. She has always done what is best for students and has made sure they have had opportunities to learn in many different ways. From Mark Twain Day, to Middle School Adventure Week trips, to Middle School Fall Day Out, Ms. Hauschild made sure students had opportunities to grow socially and to create memories. Fairly quickly into her tenure as a teacher, she was named Middle School Coordinator because of her passion for planning parties, dances, and trips. Over the years, the Middle School Division Head position evolved and there was no doubt that Ms. Hauschild was the one at the helm.

“Kaye Hauschild is an exceptional school administrator,” said Roger Perry, Lakehill’s Headmaster from 1983 to 2021. “I have been blessed to work with her for most of her career and can honestly say that Kaye has been a guiding light, encourager, and enhancer of the lives of thousands of children during her service as Middle School Head at Lakehill. Her success can be measured by all of the lives of middle school students she has helped manage and navigate through those challenging and exciting years of development at our school. Kaye has my admiration and appreciation for always giving one hundred percent of herself for the benefit of others. All of us who have been with her on this journey are better because of our time together. Kaye is a 'one of a kind' and has always gone the extra mile and has given more of herself to Lakehill than was ever asked or expected. I join a host of others who are glad she has made Lakehill her home.”

As Ms. Hauschild sat in the cafeteria on Wednesday during Middle School lunches, she tearfully smiled and said, “Creating an environment for children to grow into who they are meant to be and to have opportunities to try new things…what is better than that. You know, when you think back to 1984, it is hard to nail down specific memories. Lakehill is an exceptional place for children to grow, including my own. It has been an honor to serve in this capacity for all these years.” 

As the 2023-2024 academic year is on the horizon, Ms. Hauschild has decided to step out of her role as Middle School Division Head and teach full time in the Middle School beginning next fall. “As Kaye moves into a different form of leadership in the Middle School, it is clear that her character is the gold standard,” said the current Head of School, Art Hall. “Quietly and boldly, she has shaped the Middle School with more actions than words. Kaye’s character is to assist without question, motivate with kindness, and cheer for others until it is her turn; Ms. Kaye Hauschild, it is your turn to hear the applause!"

Ms. Hauschild, thank you for everything you have done for Lakehill and for making this home. Thank you for always putting the students first and treating them as if they were your own.

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