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It was announced on Monday, September 1st that local author, Jill K. Sayre, won the Silver Medal in the Readers' Choice Awards for Children's Fiction.

"I was pleasantly surprised. I put a lot of time and heart into my book, so this is a real victory," said Sayre. "Writing a book is a labor of love. It was about four years from when I first got serious about writing it to publication."

The Fairies of Turtle Creek was published last year by Wisdom House Books. It is for ages 10 and up, and set locally, in the neighborhoods of Highland Park. It's about a thirteen year old girl, Claire, who has lost faith in life with her brother away fighting in the Iraq War. So when her eccentric grandmother comes to live with her, a woman who believes in fairies, Claire is even more distraught. However, it is believing in them that ends up helping Claire find peace. The story embraces local history and landmarks--a perfect read to celebrate the Centennial of HPISD this year.

Although copies can be purchased online on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, you can get a personally signed copy directly from the author on her website.

"I love to visit schools, retail stores, libraries--any place where I can meet my readers," remarked Sayre, adding, "I've even visited local book clubs."

To find out more, purchase books, or contact the author, visit

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