
Max, one of the North Garland High School Key Club Members--With the enthusiasm and positive energy of these students, we don't have to worry about the future.

This week is packed with all kinds of excitement and activities for members of Loving Garland Green!

On Wednesday we met a group of about 15 student from the North Garland High School Key Club for a weed pulling event and to assess the butterfly garden installed last October with a joint effort of Loving Garland Green members and they Key Club students.

As usual, we had lots of fun with great upbeat students.  It's such a pleasure to spend time with them.  They are all so nice and conscientious and so genuine.  I'm quite sure I was not nearly as nice as an adolescent.
I'm happy to report the garden has survived the winter and most of the plants we installed last fall are thriving.  From 70 plants that we installed, 45 are thriving.  As for the 25 that didn't make it,  I'll have to check my notes, but some of them may have been annuals that we stuck in for nectar plants.  One of the ones that did survive, I didn't think would make it. It's already blooming.   I'll have to look it up in my notes to ascertain the name.  It is from South Africa (We'll probably remove it to be purists with our native plants.)  The only reason it is there is we grabbed it last fall when Covington nursery had an "all  you can load in your truck for $50" sale.  
I can't say enough good things for Salvia greggi  (Autumn Sage).  It grows and blooms from February up to the first hard freeze in November.  In fact, just about all varieties of Salvia do very well.  The kiddos at North Garland High School also have some nice Blue Salvia plants that look very healthy.
On Wednesday we also planted about 15 Asclepias viridis (Green Milkweed) seeds.  These seeds were taken from the White Rock Lake area and I did cold-stratify them 40 days prior but did not soak them in water prior to planting.
Each of the 15 students received a packet of Asclepias syriaca (Common Milkweed) seeds, a one-page handout explaining the Mayor's Monarch Pledge, and a three page USDA Plant information sheet for Asclepias syriaca.  It's very interesting to learn of all the many commercial applications for the milkweed.  This information sheet is also available on the Loving Garland Green website.
We are looking forward to the installation of the butterfly garden at Watson Technology Center here in Garland.  That's coming up soon.  This one will be a hugelkulter/straw bale build.

Track the Monarchs' Journey North in 2016

 The first adult Monarch Butterfly was already sighted in Portland Texas on March 18, 2016.

Monarch Butterfly Migration Map





HELP LOVING GARLAND GREEN'S EFFORTS TO BUILD SCHOOLYARD BUTTERFLY HABITATS AND BRING BACK THE MONARCH BUTTERFLY FROM THE FRINGES OF EXTINCTION.  We have at least five pickup truck loads of goodies.  You are certain to find at least one item that will please you.  Those who purchase at least $10 worth of goods, will receive a packet of 10 Asclepias syriaca (Common Milkweed) Seeds along with an explanation of the Mayor's Monarch Pledge.

We hope to see you at 321 Pebblecreek on Saturday.




Join Loving Garland Green for our monthly speakers meeting.  The topic for Monday (March 21) will be plant propagation.  Dr. Tom Wilten, a Dallas County Master Gardener will be our guest speaker.

Downtown Garland Public Library - 625 Austin Street - 6:30 to 7:30



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